With Dilek Ozmen composition,brushing style and colour choices,Dilek zmen reflects the common belief of post-structuralist and feminist philosophers like Helene Cixous, Kristeva, Luce Irigaray that women are in need of a new language and expression ways.Nowadays, the post-feminists arguement is to be different from men rather than be equal with men as in the past. It is also important for Dilek ZMEN to talk like a woman and talk as a woman especially just like Irigaray.In her works the artist talks as a woman while her works talk like a woman . What do these concepts mean? To talk as a woman indicates both phychological and social positioning of women. On the other hand to talk like a woman means being open to the plurality and subtlety of meaning , uncontrollability of information and accuracy and also perspective pluralism,which is what men’s language always attempts to abolish, suppress and restrict.Dilek ZMENs Works are the ones where the concepts have been moved into paintings,drawings and colours.. Sevil DolmacArtist Actual Magazine / July, August 2009 Resonating with an unmatched spiritual force Dilek Ozmens visionary oil on canvas images combine figurative skill, abstract compositions and geometric design, demonstrating the artists obsessive attention to detail. Ozmens Universal Solitude floated within the gallery space like a cloud, transforming us from the conscious to the unconscious, the earthly to the celestial, inviting us to transcend our daily experiences.Ozmens unusual work exhibits a personality and aesthetic that is diagrammatic, invented, historical and romantic all at once.Her work captures all the energy and spectacle of portraituer, while presenting a subversive world that is personal as well as impersonal.Suzie WalsheNy Arts MagazineWinner 2010 Less.
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