Cho, Hui-Chin finished her Bachelor of Fine Art at Slade School of Fine Art 2014-2018 (First-class honours on the Dean’s list). Having grown up in a richly integrative country, She has a deep interest in using an amalgamation of materials, especially the vintage or antique materials, to create philosophical dialogue through distorted subject matter and abstract motifs, and the enduring insistence of a grotesque iconography of baby sustains her work. Through a practice primarily concerned with painting and sculpture, Cho investigates the issue of materiality, especially leathers and furs sacrificed during the period 20s – 60s, with the dilemma behind such materials which are creatures by-products. Cho is interested in exploring how the metaphors are overlaid and integrated into the ordinary perception of things, simultaneously depicting the ambiguous identity of vintage references, and she insists responding to hidden metaphors of the materiality. Her works are concerned with a miscellany of incongruous figures and motifs; fragments join a narrative grotesquely but still compelling. Her inquisitive artistic approach is an act of introspection and a reflection on humanity, desire, fetish, ambivalence, sadism or obsession.Cho has won the CASS ART Painting Prize and the Steer Prize in 2018. Cho, Hui-Chin currently lives and works in London.
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