Stefan Haenni visited the Schule für Gestaltung in Bern and studied at the University of Bern and the Université de Fribourg history of art and psychology. With his painting Haenni reached in the 1980 first appreciations. He realized among other things works with the portraits from the Nobelprice winner Nagib Machfus and the surrealistic Swiss painter Meret Oppenheim. The leading subject of modern oriental painting reached Haenni after a trip along the Nile in 1990. Many works were created after that like West-östlicher Divan from Goethe, the series of Monde Arabe and Lawrence of Arabia – new paintings about an old film. His works are collected in several Swiss Museums of Modern Art, Swiss Banks (BEKB, Credit Suisse, UBS) and private Art-Collections. Since a few years, Stefan Haenni is also writing crime novels in German. He lives in Thun/Switzerland.
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