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Happy Birthday! (MEGA CAKE)

Thom White and Jen Detlefsen: MEGA CAKE is a four-tier wooden birthday cake with interactive lighting, a two story slide, a gifting chamber, and flame and glass art elements. Its dodecagonal shape references the 12 months of the year, and zodiac imagery from both the eastern and western traditions, and speaks to the passage of time and the ways humans grapple with that journey.
About Tom White With his latest series of paintings, Tom White once again puts the spotlight on our cities, exploring their less iconic but no less familiar corners. With his accomplished manipulation of light and shadow and his refined brushwork, Tom shows that the beauty and spirit of a city can be found everywhere; in its rusting bridges, its shopfronts, its graffiti and on its street corners. His painted snapshots of urban life highlight the otherwise overlooked details of a passing moment and celebrate the ever-changing facades of some of our best-loved cities. Less

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